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SWC Webinar – Wind energy and social acceptance

March, 2024
12 09:00-11:00

The Swedish Wind Centre is organizing a webinar about wind energy and social acceptance. Speakers are:


  • Johann Köppel, Visiting Professor at Uppsala University, Department of Earth Sciences, Wind Energy. Prior to that, Johann Köppel was held the position as Professor at the Berlin Institute of Technology and head of the Environmental Assessment and Planning Research Group.

  • Adam Peacock, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Exeter, Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy. He is also active in the Swedish research programme Mistra Electrification.


They will share information about planning and social acceptance research concerning wind energy in a Swedish perspective as well as learning from other countries. 


Watch the webinar below. Please find the presentations of Johann Köppel and Adam Peacock here and here.



Date and time: 12 March, 09.00–11.00 AM.


Register: Please register here. A link will be sent out prior to the webinar.


Updated: 2024-03-13 10:47