Lifetime Extension and Wind Resources – Research Updates at Vind 2024
On October 22, the Swedish Wind Centre, SWC, will lead a research seminar during Vind 2024. Researchers affiliated with SWC will present research on both lifetime extension and wind resources in Swedish conditions. See the programme items below.
The seminar will be held in English and take place from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the Waterfront Congress Centre in Stockholm.
Participate for free by registering here by 14 October.
More information about Vind 2024 can be found here.
13.00: Lifetime extension of wind turbines
Introduction: Turbine owner perspective and concerns related to existing turbines near official end of life. Need and hope related to lifetime extension research
Rabbalshede Kraft and/or SR Energy
On service life management and decision support for service life extension
Sebastian Thöns, Lund University, Sweden and BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany.
Power curtailment impact on loads, fatigue and life time. Experiences from wind turbine design and existing research findings
Anders Wickström and Saptarshi Sarkar, RISE
Reporting from IEA-wind task 42: Current international work on lifetime extensions
Håkan Johansson, Chalmers
New project: Wind turbine lifetime extension: Review and analysis
Reflections and questions from the audience
14.30: Paus
15.00: Wind resources in Swedish conditions
Introduction: Stefan Ivanell, Uppsala University
Replacing met towers with remote sensing - what does the science say?
Johan Arnqvist, Uppsala University
The potential for truly site specific wind resource assessment over forests
Hugo Olivares Espinosa, Uppsala University
Constraining the role of large-scale circulation for scenarios of changes in wind power density
Jesper Sjolte, Dept. Geology, Lund University
AI-based Power Production Models for Increased Wind Farm Efficiency
Hamidreza Abedi, RISE
Numerical Simulation of a GW-Scale Offshore Wind Farm performed in the EU FLOW project
Stefan Ivanell/Warit Chanprasert, Uppsala university
16.30-17.00: Reflections and questions from the audience